Terms & Conditions

The portrait is an original artwork and as such I own the copyright.

The portrait, and photos of the portrait in progress may be posted on my website and social media platforms unless otherwise agreed in advance (e.g. if it is a surprise present). I reserve the right to reproduce the finished drawing as prints.

If you did not take the reference photograph, it is your responsibility to obtain permission from the photographer before the drawing can go ahead.

An estimate of when I can begin the drawing will be given when you book a commission. This may be subject to change. Once I start the drawing an estimated completion date will be given.

I will keep you up to date with the drawing progress and check you are happy with the final piece before completion.

I reserve the right to refuse a commission if a suitable photograph cannot be agreed on.

I ask for 50% payment when I begin your drawing. This is non-refundable unless I am unable to complete your drawing for any reason. On completion of the drawing I ask for the remaining balance to be paid before shipping the portrait.

Gift vouchers are only valid until the date shown on the voucher, and cannot be refunded or exchanged for cash.

Customs/import duty may be charged by some countries. This is payable by the recipient.